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activities.pngChat activities
A chat is an online conversation among users who are currently logged into FirstClass. Chats are great for times when you need a quick answer, or when your telephone is already in use.
act1.pngParticipate in the tutorial chat
You can enter the Tutorial Chat by double clicking the chat icon.
When a public chat has active participants, there is a red chat balloon beside its icon:

act2.pngParticipate in a private chat
You can invite someone to chat by choosing Collaborate > Private Chat. Click Invite and choose a name from the list.
idea.pngHint You can decide to turn off the ability of others to invite you to a chat by choosing Edit > Preferences > Messaging tab > Chat tab.
If you prevent users from inviting you to chat, your name appears in italics in the Directory. This does not prevent you from chatting others.

91802_92921_2.pngHelp resources
To view information about forms, open the form, and choose Help > About this Window.
FirstClass documentation is accessed by choosing Help > Contents. To locate specific information, choose Edit > Find.
In the Client Help folder, the Chatting category


Serveris FirstClass 12.0, © 1992-2014 BM