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 Home Page w Folders Activities
activities.pngHome Page with folders and documents activities
If your Home Page Folder does not contain a document called Home Page, people accessing your Home Page will see a list of documents and folders. Use this type of Home Page if you intend to add documents and folders frequently. Unlike the classic Home Page, you won't have to create and update links every time a change occurs.
11303_34839_0.pngAdd content to your Home Page Folder    
The general steps for creating a Home Page are:
•        create and name documents
•        create and name folders
•        add files
To create a folder choose File > New > New Folder.
To create a document choose File > New > New Document.
To add a file choose File > Attach.

act2.pngMaking an existing folder available from your Home Page
If you have an existing folder on your FirstClass Desktop that you want to share through your Home Page, you can either move the folder to your Home Page Folder or make a shortcut to the folder.
1  Select the folder.
2  Choose Collaborate > Add to Desktop to add a shortcut.
3  Drag the shortcut to your Home Page Folder.
idea.pngHint FirstClass frequently saves any changes made to a document while it is open and automatically saves the document when it is closed.
The editor toolbar displays two icons:
1903_25113_0.pngthis icon indicates the latest document changes have not yet been saved
1903_124114_1.png this icon indicates they have been saved.
You can click on the icon to force the changes to be saved immediately.

stan.pngViewing your Home Page with a web browser
Note Currently only people with an account on FirstClass can see Home Pages. If you'd like your Home Page to be more accessible contact the FirstClass administrator.
1  Go to our web site with a web browser and log into FirstClass.
2  Click on the Directory icon.
3  In the Directory form enter your own name.
4  Click on your name to view your Home Page.
idea.pngHint As soon as you close a document within FirstClass you'll be able to see the changes when you reload or refresh your web browser page.

91802_92921_2.pngHelp Resources
To view information about forms, open the form, and choose Help > About this Window.
FirstClass documentation is accessed by choosing Help > Contents. To locate specific information, choose Edit > Find.
Within the Client Help folder, you'll find complete documentation in the Web publishing category.


Serveris FirstClass 12.0, © 1992-2014 BM