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 About this view
Mailbox Split
This view is very popular. Folders appear in one pane and messages and documents appear in the other pane. You can have a vertical or horizontal split.  
Make the Classic View folder active by clicking on the window and choose View > Split and experiment with the three split choices.
Note Your choices will not be retained for this folder, however your choices will be retained when you apply them to your own Mailbox.
The split bar
You can also determine where the split bar is located. Move the cursor over the split bar and when one of these cursors drag1.png  appear, hold the mouse button down and drag the split bar to the desired location.
View by Icon, List, or Small Icon
For each pane you can also determine whether you want so see the items in icon view, list view, or small icon view. In this example, the left side of the Classic View folder is set to Icon view, and the right side is set to List view.
You can set different views for each pane. Click the pane to make it active, then choose the View menu.
If you like this view, open your Mailbox and set the split view and place the split bar. You may also want to read about the FirstClass Explore view.
Click here to return Mailbox views activity page.


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