About this mail rule
The FirstClass administrator has implemented global rules to prevent the delivery of the most unwelcome messages. FirstClass automatically examines incoming Internet mail and assigns a X-Spam-Warning level. The rating is based on several factors including the message subject and the sender's address. People who generate unsolicited email (or spam) use common techniques to get a message to your Mailbox, therefore the rating also examines Internet email for these techniques.
Under certain circumstances, legitimate mail may also be rated as spam, so a medium rating is recommended.
In this advanced mail rule, messages that are rated medium are automatically filed in a Mailbox folder named Spam.
Using the sample rules
1 Select or open your Mailbox.
2 Choose Collaborate > Rules. The mail rules window opens.
3 Select the sample mail rule.
4 While pressing the Control key, drag the mail rule to your mail rules folder.
5 Add your own folder names and addresses to the mail rule.