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 Addressing activities
        Addressing activities
act1.pngCreate a message
This activity takes you through the process of sending a message to a conference called Tutorial Conference 1.
There are many ways to create a message:
•       When you have your Desktop, Mailbox, or a conference window active, look for the new message 12003_44133_0.pngicon.
•       Choose Message > New Message from the menu.
•       Use a keyboard shortcut. The keyboard shortcuts are displayed in the menu selections, so when you choose Message > New Message you will also see the keyboard shortcut.
For this activity you are going to answer the following question: What is your favorite restaurant?
Create a new message and enter the subject. Help other people manage their time by treating the subject as a headline.  For this activity, an example of a good subject would be "For Hungarian Food - Rhapsody Restaurant"

act2.pngAddress the message
Tutorial Conference 1 is a long name, but with multimatching you don't have to enter the whole address. In the To field just type Tu C 1 and press Enter.
idea.pngHint In FirstClass, press Enter or Tab after each name you type in the To field. To see the entire Directory, choose Collaborate > Directory.
act3.pngAdd the message body
Add some information about your favorite restaurant in the message body. Try changing the color and size of the text. You can also spell check your message by choosing Edit > Check Spelling. You may also want to locate the Check Spelling icon 11603_105944_1.pngon the Toolbar.
act4.pngSend the message
To accommodate different ways people like to use software, there are different methods of sending a message. Choose one of these methods to send your message.
•       Choose Message > Send and Close. If you prefer keyboard shortcuts, take note of the keyboard shortcut listed in the menu.
•       Find the Send and Close 12003_44610_1.pngicon on the Toolbar.
idea.pngHint If hold the cursor over the icon, a tooltip will appear that describes the function of the icon. The status bar, located at the bottom of the message window, also displays a description of the icon.
•       You can also use the shortcut menu that contains commands applicable to what you are doing. A shortcut menu is opened by right-clicking (Windows) or Control-clicking (Mac OS) the object you are working with.

        Replying to a message
When replying to a message, you'll often want to quote part of the sender's message.
1       Open Tutorial Conference 1 conference and select any message except your own.
2       Select the portion of the message to which you want to respond.
3       Choose Message > Reply. Add your comments.
4       Choose Message > Send and Close.
You may also want to experiment with the behavior of the Message > Reply Special menu.
idea.pngHint If you change your mind about replying to a message you can delete your reply by choosing File > Delete or use the Delete 12003_24911_0.pngicon.

        Delete and then undelete a message
Sooner or later you'll delete a message and then realize you've made a mistake. In this activity, you'll create a message, delete it, and then restore the message.
1  Create a new message with a subject of "Delete me".
Note You don't need to have your Mailbox open to create a new message.
2  Open your Mailbox by choosing File > Open > Open Mailbox.
3  Select the "Delete me" message and choose File > Delete.
        The message will disappear from your Mailbox.

        Restoring deleted messages
Before the daily trash is collected, you can restore a deleted object.
1  Open your MailBox, choose View > Show Deleted Items.
All deleted objects that have not yet been removed during trash collection are displayed with trash can icons beside them.
        Note You cannot open an object that is marked for deletion.
2  Select the "Delete me" message.
3  Choose File > Undelete.
When you have finished restoring deleted objects, you can hide the objects that are still marked for deletion by choosing View > Hide Deleted Items.

91802_92921_2.pngHelp resources
To view information about forms, open the form, and choose Help > About this Window.
FirstClass documentation is accessed by choosing Help > Contents. To locate specific information, choose Edit > Find.
Within the Client Help folder, the Messaging category provides additional information on this subject.

Go back to the Mailbox Tutorial and complete the Mailbox views activity.


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