Creating Events & Tasks activities
Create an event
There are a variety of ways to create a new event.
• Double click in the calendar area.
• Choosing File > New > New Event from the menu.
• While you have your Calendar open, click on the New Event icon.
1 Open your Calendar and create a new event for today.
2 Give the event a name, set a starting time, duration, and choose a color for your event.
3 Select the Scheduling tab and add Tutorial Calendar 1 as a participant.
Multimatching can be used on calendars as well, try typing cal 1.
4 Use the Next Free Time button to find the next free time in common to your calendar and the group calendar.
5 Close the form to add the event to the group calendar.
Hint Normal, personal, or private sensitivity
You can control which events or tasks can be seen by other employees by setting the Sensitivity field to either Personal or Private.
Tutorial Calendar 1 has three events. The event on Monday has the Sensitivity set to Normal. Hold the cursor over the event and the duration and location is displayed.
The event on Tuesday has the Sensitivity set to Private. Employees can see that you have an event scheduled but no other details are available.
The event on Wednesday has the Sensitivity set to Personal. Just like Tuesday's Private event, employees can only see that you have an event scheduled.
Create a task
With your Calendar open, click the New Task icon on the Calendar toolbar. Create a task for an
activity that does not have a time associated with it. For example, renewing your newspaper subscription. Choose a color and a status for your task and close the form.
When you've completed the task you can delete it. You can also move the mouse over the task until a checkmark appears, click, and a red line will be drawn across the task.
Help resources
To view information about forms, open the form, and choose Help > About this Window.
FirstClass documentation is accessed by choosing Help > Contents. To locate specific information, choose Edit > Find.
Within the Client Help folder, you'll find complete documentation in the Calendars category.