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Nuo:Trečiadienis, 2012 Liepos 4 16:10 +0300
Tema:FirstClass® Client 10.014 US for Linux 
FirstClass(R) Client 10.014 Build 1 Product ReadMe for Linux
US English

Copyright 2011
Open Text Corporation

The FirstClass client is the graphical front-end software to connect to FirstClass servers. It is designed for use with FirstClass 10 and has the trusted communication and collaboration functions of previous FirstClass client products.

You are free to install and distribute this software providing it is distributed in its entirety and no modifications are made. All other rights are reserved by Open Text Corporation.

What you will find in this document:

A. Contact Information
B. Requirements
C. Installation
D. New Product Features and Enhancements
E. Notices

A. Contact Information

FirstClass Division, Open Text Corporation

B. Requirements

C. Installation

If a previous version has been installed, copy the updated /opt/FirstClass/fcapps file to their individual Firstclass folders with the following command line:

$ cp /opt/firstclass/fcapps ~/firstclass/

On most modern distributions, you can double click on the appropriate package to install it, if that fails then you may have to use the command line to install the package.

Command Line Installation Instructions

Debian Intel (Also for use on Ubuntu, Knoppix, and other Debian x86 derivatives):
        # su
        Password: ******
        # dpkg -i fcc-10.014-Linux.i686.deb

Generic Intel (Recommended for use on distributions not based on Debian):
        # su
        Password: *******
        # cd /
        # tar xvfj fcc-10.014-Linux.i686.tar.bz2


The packages should bring down the appropriate dependencies when installed, in case the generic package is needed, the following dependencies are needed:
QT 3.3
libartsc 1.3.2+
libpng 1.2.8+
libjpeg 6b+

D. New Product Features and Enhancements

  • A security issue which allowed the manipulation of FCP URLs to write files with any name to any folder on the hard drive is no longer permitted.

E. Notices

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Certain features and products described in this document may not currently be available in all geographic regions. Distribution or reproduction of this document in whole or in part must be in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement.

FirstClass, OpenText and the associated logos used herein are trademarks of Open Text Corporation and/or its subsidiary used under license.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This edition applies to Release 10 of FirstClass and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This document is bound by international copyright law and the FirstClass Software License Agreement and Limited Warranty included with every FirstClass product.


Serveris FirstClass 12.0, © 1992-2014 BM