Here are the next three in the set of PDF Conversions of the Help Guides.
I chose to break the Client Help in to three sections. Thanks to everyone for their encouraging responses to these postings. This does take a bit of work, but I find them useful.
Client Guide.PDF is everything except the Unified Communications section. I decided that since there are not that many using UC, that it would be better to separate it out and make the Client Guide smaller.
Quick Reference Guides.pdf is the Client and UC TUI quick Reference guides all in one package.
Unified Communications.pdf it the client guide for Unified Communications.
As before, please note copyright information.
Copyright 2004 Open Text Corporation.
This help is subject to change without notice. Certain features and products described in this help may not be currently available in all geographic regions. Distribution or reproduction of this help in whole or in part must be in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement.
All rights reserved. FirstClass, Centrinity, Livelink, Open Text and other trademarks and the associated logos used herein are trademarks of Open Text Corporation and/or its subsidiary used under license. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
This version of the help applies to FirstClass Version 8.0.
This PDF is a creation of Stewart Lynch with the permission of the FirstClass Division of Open Text Corporation. Any comments/questions regarding the PDF should be addressed to Stewart Lynch (either here or at .
: o/ : Stewart Lynch
: <| : Director of Instruction, Technology and Information Services
: / > : Richmond School District
:......: Richmond, BC Canada
(Above website created with Home Page Construction Kit)
tel. (604) 668-6128 fax: (604) 668-6006
604.761-8390 (Cell)